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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

Leap Weeks For Business Growth

automation blog business tips for entrepreneurs mindset motivation Jun 15, 2023
business strategist holly haynes having leap weeks for business growth

Do you believe in Leap Weeks?

Have you heard of that term before? It could actually be leap weeks or leap months, but it is when you set aside designated weeks in your calendar that are considered particularly significant or advantageous for taking bold actions or making substantial progress. Some entrepreneurs refer to this as a "Quantum Leap".
It could also be a period where you are stepping out of your comfort zone, making strategic decisions, or pursuing big ambitious goals. It's a massive shift. Energy, actions, productivity.
Why am I asking this? Well, as a business strategist and productivity coach, I teach and preach that you can build a full-time business on a part-time schedule. I did while I was working full time, and still am (aka not working 50-hour weeks over here), but there have been seasons of leaping as I like to call it. An intensive push where you go all in and push yourself past your comfort zone.
And this is what we did last month. Our business is COMPLETELY different than it was 30 days ago. I have had 2-3 leap months since I started this business. The first one was when I launched our high ticket programs which I knew in my gut was going to change everything. The second instance was after our retreat in Arizona two years ago when we hired a team, I left my corporate job and took a lot of risks at once. (This leap was trusting that if I created capacity and hired help we would grow). And the most recent was last month. We had a 6-figure month, as in we doubled our highest revenue month to date in 30 days.
Each time I experienced one of these leaps my income changed significantly, but it was because of the actions and intensity around the period of time. The creativity and ideas it produces are so exciting, making the leap actually last much longer and be more sustainable long term.
If you are still with me to this point you are probably asking, Holly what did you do? And how do I do this? Well, here you go.

How to Have a Leap in Your Business

1) Set a REALLY uncomfortable goal.

I set the goal to have a 6-figure month. If I am being honest, I didn't think it was possible since the contracted income we had for the month (no new sales) was about 10K. That's a 90K gap if you are doing the math. Oh, and May happens to be the most crazy month personally. But do you ever feel that sometimes when you have more going on you are actually more productive? Maybe because you have to get certain things done in a specific amount of time? That's how I felt, so that was the goal we set. Keep in mind, it was just a goal at this point, on May 1st with no plan.
According to Forbes Magazine, if your industry has a compound annual growth rate of 4%, traditional business expectations indicate you have a higher likelihood of success. But what if you want to double, triple, or grow your business by 10 times the amount? Step outside the status quo. This has to be a big scary goal that makes you REALLY uncomfortable. It also needs a timeframe. You can't keep up this pace long term. It is meant to be a limited intense period.

I believe when you put yourself in a situation where your only options are to find a way or fail, your mind will expand in ways you’ve never experienced; it will rewire itself for survival.


2) Be Wildly Different.

What you did so far won't get you to what you want. Choosing to do things wildly differently means you must remove words like “grind” and “hustle” from your vocabulary. You know by now that working more hours doesn’t necessarily lead to more revenue, and it certainly doesn’t create a quantum leap. A shift in your schedule, your thoughts, and your resources have the ability to create massively different results. If you want wildly different growth, then it’s time to make wildly different decisions.
What does different look like? A few things that I did differently.
  • I sent five emails a week for five weeks. The premise was to one specific person (that I had in mind) with one purpose and one ask. And yes there were days when I absolutely did not want to write that email.
  • I opened my calendar. I did 17 open calls in May. Why? I got to connect with you, talk with you, discover your challenges, and craft our offers around that. Gary Vanerchuck recently did a video about Taylor Swift's Marketing - it's about the depth, not the width. She responds to fans. Answers messages. Show up and sings at weddings for free. Respond to every comment. Send every email. Respond to every response.
  • Instead of focusing on one offer, I asked questions and used my "income stacking strategy" to help clients or future customers where they were at. (Which side note, lead to our most popular masterclass ever)
  • I was super protective of my energy. This one is probably the hardest for me. I actually stopped learning anything new (for 30 days), which meant my energy was all focused on motivation. I read for fun. I slept more. I scrolled less. I was on social less. I did everything I could to stay in my lane with my goal and protect my energy.
  • I hired a copywriter and a coach and asked for help with my weaknesses. My favorite book on teamwork is "Who Not How" and one of the big takeaways is you can't achieve money freedom until you achieve time freedom. I asked for help.
 Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the quiz here. 

#3. Have help

My husband was on board. So when I was answering emails at 8 pm which is outside our normal business hours, he knew why. We also revamped our entire backend behind the scenes. Onboarding, contracts, and anything that took time away from me connecting with you, we fixed or are fixing. And I enlisted my team, meaning they knew what was coming, what was changing, and after we hit our big goal, I celebrated with them (insert love giving gifts and sending thank yous).
I am still recovering from the leap if I am being honest, because anytime you grow, it creates some discomfort, and some of that we are still working through.

If I could tell you ONE thing to take away from this blog, it is what if this summer was the summer of growth? Of leaping? Of going all in?

When you stop thinking you have a year, decade, or lifetime to achieve something, you get specific about what it is you want from your business and your life. A quantum leap is within your reach. How wildly different are you willing to be to achieve it? (p.s. Get a peek inside how we did this.)
Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!
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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.