Your CEO Book Guide
Aug 01, 2020
I always get asked my favorite resources so I thought I would put my current favorites in one place for you.
And in case you are thinking, how the heck do you fit in reading all of these...You should know my answer. #10minutesaday! As in set a timer, read for 10 minutes. Done. You will get through 12-15 books in a YEAR!
Here are my favs! Which one are you going to read first?
- The Miracle Morning
- The 5 AM Club
- Atomic Habits
- The One Thing
- Essentialism
- The Five Second Rule
- The Joy of Missing Out
- You're a Badass and You're a Badass at Making Money
- There is no B Plan for your A Game
- Expert Secrets
- Launch - An Internet Millionaires Secret Formula
- The 15 Law's of Invaluable Growth
- Start with the Why
Social Media / Marketing
- The Compound Effect
- Building a Story Brand
- Stories that Stick
- All Marketers Tell Stories
- The One-Page Marketing Plan
- 5 Minute Daily Journal
- High Performance Planner
- Gratitude Journal
- The Future is Yours Planner
- Daily Journal Template