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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.



A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

The #1 Way I Drive Results to My Business

blog business tips for entrepreneurs email marketing engagement strategy Aug 08, 2022
Holly Haynes networking with female entrepreneurs to drive results to your business
In today's blog post, I want to share the #1 way we drive results to our business and by that I mean grow our email list in a way that turns subscribers into purchasers.
I'll be honest. When I started writing this post, it was before our Instagram account went down. If you haven't been following along over the last few days, IG actually shut our entire account down. As in I didn't exist. Nada. Nothing. I won't lie, I did have a minor panic moment. We have put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this app, BUT I cannot tell you how many friends and clients reached out to me and said, "at least you have an email list."
It literally is and was (at the time I am writing this there still is no Instagram account) a true test of our business systems and ironically the point of this blog post. Sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways, am I right?

The #1 Way I Drive Results to My Business

Want to know the #1 way I drive results to my business? Hint. It's not Instagram. It's networking. Good ole fashioned networking and follow-up.
By networking, I don't mean exchanging your business card the way we were taught in grad school. I mean actually connecting with other business owners with no intention other than connecting with them!

Two Ways to Network With Other Business Owners

I do this two ways:
  1. Thru podcasting (and you don't need a podcast to take advantage of this)
  2. Via email. (And yes occasional DMs, but I am horrible at them). My inbox is at zero but my DMS if they still exist tend to get answered a little slower.
Networking is how I met my coach. It is how I met some of my clients. It is how we recruited over half our members for this last mastermind. A friend of a friend. It's like the seven degrees of Kevin Bacon. And then you all are connected.

 How to Make Networking Work For You

Here's how you can make it work for you:
  • Know a friend that would benefit from one of your friends? Introduce them.
  • Have a great connection with someone you met online? Tell them. Ask if they would like to collaborate. Some of our best podcast guests, summit opportunities and even recruiting guest speakers into our mastermind and community come from me just asking. As an example. "I love what you do. Tell me more."
  • Meet people in person. One of my goals this year is to meet more people whether it be with local clients or joining groups that are local (or traveling to them). Make it a goal to have coffee with a friend.
  • If you do have IG (which most do, one day we will again), do an IG live. Share your stories. I recently partnered with a podcast guest who was amazing at mindset but lacked beginner strategy in her community. I love to teach the beginning strategy and am not a great teacher at mindset even though I believe it is SO important, so we swapped. She is coming to teach in my community and I am coming to teach in hers.
  • Create a lead magnet swap. Is there something you think your customers or readers would like that you don't offer? Share someone else's in exchange for them sharing yours. You just introduced yourself to a whole new audience.
  • Speak in person or at a summit. Instant audience growth. But make sure you have their email.
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See how this works?
You can pitch yourself on others' podcasts and introduce yourself to their audience which is a super powerful tool also, but when was the last time you just networked?
No hey girl messages. No sales conversations. Just introducing people who can mutually benefit.
I am a huge believer in supporting other women because I know my best relationships and business friends will support me.

It's About Building Relationships

When our IG went down this week, I had no less than 10 emails in five minutes asking how I was doing. These were business friends who weren't trying to sell me something, not trying to take advantage of the situation, but rather just asking to help.
These relationships are the ones that will drive you to the next level, but also support you when you need it.
So today's blog post is super quick and actionable. I hope it reminds you that nothing replaces real, genuine relationships. Take that list I just gave you and network. Book a coffee date. Schedule a lead magnet swap. Pitch yourself to a podcast. Introduce a friend to someone that might help them.
What goes around comes around and these steps will fill your cup and your email list.
Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club! 
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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.