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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

How to Make the Most of a Group Program

blog business tips for entrepreneurs motivation Nov 28, 2022
Group of female entrepreneurs making them most in a group program
Ohhhh this is a blog post that has been on my heart for a long time. With all the Black Friday and end-of-year specials happening right now, you might be considering what to invest in and if a group program is the best fit for you. Or asking, what is the next best thing to invest in for my business?
Personally, I have done a mix of group programs, masterminds, and 1:1 coaching, sometimes even at the same time, and find that each one serves a different purpose.

 Why Group Programs are Superior

I do have to say my favorite programs are group programs. Why? Community. (Insert if you have been following along, I have shared how building a network and a community has been so valuable and honestly a game changer in business). I personally think the best group programs also have a small 1:1 component so it is the best of both worlds.
As you plan for the new year, I thought it would be helpful to share how to make the most of a group program so you can get the benefits of both the 1:1 component and the community. I will also share what has helped both me and my clients.

Here is your checklist!

  1.  Ask for testimonials if you don't see them. Who has gone through the program before? Can you talk to them? Ask questions. See what they have done. The best programs I have joined are recommended to me by friends who have gone through them. That know, like, and trust factor is already established.
  2. Remember you are responsible for your results. This one actually makes me pause because we all want that silver bullet. The secret sauce. The ONE thing that is going to change everything. But what I have found is that it is NOT one thing. It is all the teeny tiny steps that add up together. It's showing up for calls, it is implementing the homework, the networking, the listening, the learning, over and over and over again over an extended period of time. Not every lesson is going to change your life or your business, but it may give you ONE tip or ONE aha moment that implemented over time will.
  3. Remember the lag effect. This is really #2 part B. But give things time to settle in. As an example, you may get this great idea through your program such as creating a podcast. You work for a few weeks, create the podcast, hit finalize on the first episode, and get 10 downloads. 10. I would argue that that is 10 lives changed, but there is a lag effect taking place. 10 downloads one week turn into 20 the next, turn into 1,000 in 1 month, and in one year 100,000. Give it time. You may also be learning things that are not feasible for you to implement right now. (Insert if you are like me and want to do everything at once! Get 'er done! But it's impossible. This leads me to #4.
  4. Create a parking lot. These are project management terms (insert my corporate life coming through) but I loved using the parking lot concept with my teams. It's simply a list of "not right now" items that you know you want to implement but it is not the right time. Make a list and prioritize it when it makes sense.

    Do you love these tips? Take the Productivity Personality Quiz to get a Netflix-style binge-worthy resource list to help you find your focus and is customized to you! Take the quiz here.   
  5. Be mindful of the space you are in. Be willing to hold space for others and give more than you take. The community is what makes this space so special. Express gratitude. Share your wins openly. Document your lessons learned openly. Celebrate and cheer on your peers. It is OK to share frustrations as it is a safe space, but we ask you to balance gratitude with complaints.

    The group space is what makes it SO powerful. Who can you connect with and cheer on? Who can you support? If you give as much as you want to receive, the experience will be so much more impactful for all.
  6. Last but not least. Prioritize the program. Set boundaries of when you are going to be present in the group. Show up for the calls. Turn your zoom camera on. Engage. Passively participating results in mediocre comprehension. Show up excited, ready to learn, and open to new opportunities. Even if it is outside of your comfort zone.
I have said this multiple times over the last few weeks, but your net worth is truly your network. And group programs can not only help you individually but also provide a valuable network for the long term.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely sometimes but the networks you create can make all the difference.
Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club! 
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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.