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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

10 Tips to get Organized with your Business this Year

blog business coach business strategy business systems business tips daily habits online business coach time blocking time optimization Jan 12, 2021

We're diving into how the heck to get organized in the new year. If you are like me, you sort of let yourself indulge a little bit around the holidays and then get this urge to organize all the things. At least I do. I get the pull to simplify and streamline and just create a fresh start for the new year. So while I am working on organizing all the things in our house this week, I am also thinking about how to better organize my business. And you can too. 

If you asked me a few years ago how I organized my business I would laugh and be like, what organization? In the last few months though I have really started to think about how I can streamline even more. I love a good system, but are they working? Can I cut out processes that are taking too much time? Are my systems even working? Etc. etc.

No more wasting time trying to figure out which task to work on next. No more scouring through piles of loose notes trying to find that genius thought you came up with last week.

Here are a few ideas to get you going as you start 2021 strong! It doesn’t have to be a complex system, it can just be taking a few minutes to get organized.

  1. Pick a planner and stick with it. I say this a lot but it's not about the perfect planner it's about consistency. 
  2. Pick a notes tool. Some people swear by One Note, personally I use Google Keep. It's like post it notes on steroids…
  3. Plan a brainstorming day once a month. You need white space on your calendar to think and process. You can’t be “creating” and “working” all the time. Lately, on Sundays, I have been taking a walk by myself for an hour, or I’ll set aside time on Saturday morning to brainstorm each week.
  4. Track costs and income. I do this weekly, every Thursday. I personally use Excel. Write down my expenses, my revenue, and brainstorm where I can make any changes.
  5. Clean up your workspace and re-visit your goals - I do this every Friday but also just do a deep cleaning on the weekends and make sure my office is a place I want to hang out. 
  6. Created dedicated spaces for your work items, cards, client cards, etc.
  7. Create a content calendar. Life-changing. 
  8. Try time blocking when your schedule is less hectic. See what works.
  9. Schedule some bucket list items. Something fun to look forward to.
  10. Think about your environment. What inspires you? Add more of it to your schedule, your surroundings, your community. 

Let’s get excited about all the goodness to come! Head over to the Crush the Rush FB group and let us know which tips you are implementing ASAP!!

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Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.