Episode 319: Results Require Consistency and the True Secret to Consistency is to Play First with Natasha Ho
Apr 25, 2023
Let’s welcome Natasha Ho to the podcast today! Natasha has a background in PR and marketing and a love of travel! She started her first business – virtual cooking lessons based on all the flavors she experienced on her travels – during the pandemic.
She then grew her business into retreats and now she works with creatives, coaches, and consultants to help them tap into playfulness to grow their business. She has found that playfulness is her special sauce – it really attracts people to her and adding it to YOUR business can help you continue to grow!
If you’re a high achiever transitioning to entrepreneurship from the corporate world, you may find it hard to try new things, take action, fail and get back up. Natasha recommends changing your mindset – taking action and learning new things is what owning your own business is all about! If it doesn’t work, that’s ok! Now you have data that you can use to refine it next time.
Then, we talk about consistency – one of my favorite topics! Natasha recommends considering a few questions around consistency: (1) Why is this something I want to be consistent around? (2) Does this action excite me? (3) Are my ideal clients the ones I’m excited to work with?
Finally, if you feel resistance, consider if it’s that or if you’re misaligned. Natasha explains that being misaligned means the action isn’t aligned with your core values or character. However, resistance shows up when you’re uncomfortable. Just being uncomfortable shouldn’t stop you from moving forward because there’s an opportunity there! Just take ACTION to move through this resistance and then celebrate your achievement after!
In this episode:
- How travel has made a huge impact in Natasha’s life [0:46]
- Natasha’s path from cooking to retreats to marketing [3:51]
- Why it’s hard for high achievers to “playfully pivot” [7:19]
- What’s consistency got to do with it? [10:00]
- The difference between resistance and misaligned [14:05]
- Natasha’s one piece of advice about being consistent and playful [18.37]
- Natasha’s six-figure P.L.A.Y method [20:59]
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes