Episode 307: The Winding Road of an Entrepreneur with Tricia Wheeler
Mar 14, 2023
I’m so excited to introduce you guys to Tricia Wheeler today! Tricia hosts the most magical space in Columbus, Ohio called The Seasoned Farmhouse - where you can have fun gatherings with all your friends and biz besties. Tricia grew her original business, a background screening company, to 450 clients in 10 years and then sold the business and went to culinary school – the only thing she ever REALLY wanted to do!
After culinary school in New York, Tricia returned to Columbus, OH and opened The Seasoned Farmhouse - a beautiful space where she and her chefs dream up seasonal classes year-round. She went to culinary school and built The Seasoned Farmhouse while her daughter was very young – specifically because she wanted her daughter to see her in the process of building a business she was passionate about.
Tricia shares the benefits of going back to school as an adult and, if you’re nervous to take the risk, consider the lifestyle owning your own business will afford you in the end. She also recommends testing your concept on a smaller scale before taking a big leap! This can help you build confidence to take the next step towards living the life of your dreams!
Learn more about the Seasoned Farmhouse: https://theseasonedfarmhouse.com/ And more about Tricia at: www.triciawheeler.com
In this episode:
- Tricia’s winding path as an entrepreneur [4:13]
- How Tricia finished culinary school [10:25]
- All about the Season Farmhouse culinary space [11:27]
- How did Tricia know that it was time to pivot? [12:55]
- What if you feel completely out of place when you start something new? [15:13]
- What if you’re nervous to take the risk? [17:15]
IG: @TheSeasonedFarmhouse
Learn more about the Seasoned Farmhouse: https://theseasonedfarmhouse.com/
Learn more about Tricia at: www.triciawheeler.com
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes