Episode 203: Daily Microhabits to Crush your Goals: A Conversation with Julie Voris
Mar 15, 2022
In this episode, learn from Julie Voris on micro-habits that support our daily activities and overall growth and help us to stay motivated.
What we chat about in this episode:
- How to establish a routine where so you can support yourself and your business
- Daily micro habits that are sustainable
- A boost of momentum for the end of Q1
About Julie:
Helping women find their fierce through fitness. Committed to inspiring life change through fitness, Julie leads a team of thousands, helping women unpack and go after their dreams and goals. At her core, Julie deeply believes that we are all—women especially—so much stronger, more capable, and fierce than we give ourselves credit for and that strength can be found through fitness - literally and figuratively. She’s on a mission to help women find and harness their own fierce. She’s married to a former college football coach and a mom to three daughters.
Connect with Julie:
Website: julievoris.com
Instagram: @julievoris
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I hope these tips help! Keep in touch! Leave me a message at hollymariehaynes.com or instagram.com/holly_marie_haynes