I wanted to have a little fun on this week's blog post and share the apps that I use to help me stay accountable. And when I say me, it is also our family. I have mixed feelings about technology and social media these days, but in some cases technology is actually helpful and instead of being a time suck, actually helps you save time!
Accountability Apps to Get More Done and Save Time
I am obsessed with my Apple watch so let's just start there. I was SO nervous to get one because I turn off ALL notifications on my phone except for an actual phone call. Which does anyone ever call anyone anymore? My point is I didn't want to add technology that just buzzed every five seconds because I get super distracted. I have the patience of a gnat so as soon as something goes ding, I am immediately looking at what it is.
I embraced the Apple watch though and the technology it delivered through the apps that actually supported the lifestyle that I was and am trying to build. Here is what I use on a daily basis.
What I use Daily
- Calm App
I wake up every am and hit play on the Daily Jay. If you didn't know, Jay Shetty is Calm's Chief Calm Officer, I mean what a cool title. Every day he has a 7-minute story and mediation. I am still working on mediation but I hit play and get dressed and brush my teeth. Easy peasy. No scrolling involved.

- Stop Watch
The second most common app I use is the stopwatch. I am not kidding I use it every day like five times a day. I time block everything and in order to stay in the windows I planned, I set timers. Write a podcast. Set a timer for 30 minutes. Check Instagram. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Girls need to clean up. Give them a 10-minute timer. You get the idea but creating mini deadlines for yourself is SO powerful. You will always get done exactly what you need to in the time you give yourself. So if you know you can get something done in an hour let's say, try setting a timer for 30 minutes. You may have just saved yourself some extra time.
- I Am Affirmations
Back to my morning routine, I actually use two affirmation apps. The first one is Think Up. I record affirmations of me speaking (it sounds weird but is super cool) and play it when I am downstairs making tea, emptying the dishwasher, and doing my morning chores. I am not great at writing affirmations but hearing them every morning has been super productive. When you pair it with the Calm app, your morning is super motivational and you really don't have to do anything but hit play.
I also love the "I am Affirmations" app as it sycns with the Apple Watch. The I Am Affirmations app gives you affirmations 4-5 times a day at random times. And they are good ones. So it might be 10am and then this amazing affirmation that says "I attract amazing abundance in my life" pops up and you are like YES! Yes, I do! You can also save your favorites and go back and read them. Some of my favorites are...
- I release all negative thoughts and welcome happiness
- I am more than my anxiety
- I can easily manifest any goal I have for myself
- I am thankful for my strong, healthy relationship with money
- I have the motivation to create change in my life
- I release anything that doesn't serve me
You get the idea. But it is a powerful little tool.
- Flo (cycle tracker)
The next app I use almost daily is the Flo app which tracks your cycle. I wish I had this in my 20's because I feel like I am SO much more educated about my cycle these days. I suffer from extreme migraines which typically happen the same day of every month or around the same time. I started tracking my cycle so I could better control them. It also helps me understand my feelings from a business perspective. If I am in my luteal or ovulation phase, I tend to have much more energy and be creative. In the other phases, I start to question everything. And while I do think it is good to question everything, I also think being mindful of the phase your body is in will help you make better decisions and honor where you are at.
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- Hello Fresh / Daily Harvest
Weekly we use the Hello Fresh and Daily Harvest app. I assure you this is not sponsored but it should be. We do Hello Fresh about once a month in our house just to change up the recipes and give me a little extra time (i.e. I am not planning meals for one week). I also use Daily Harvest for smoothies. I am seriously obsessed. I have a really hard time creating healthy lunches as I tend to work when the girls are at school, So daily harvest has been great to to create smoothies for lunch with some added protein. The apps make it super easy to track and every Sunday I just log in, check the meals and done. Instant times saver.
- Paired
The next app I love, I actually learned from my Jenna Kutcher interview and that's the "paired" app. My husband and I use it to answer questions about our relationship and if I am being honest, talk about things we normally would skip right past. It has fun quizzes you can take about each other and ways to ask each other how one is feeling without being stressful. Since leaving corporate, our relationship is something we have tried to prioritize more and this has been a super fun way to do it.
Last but not least is our Crush the Rush Club.
We run it in a software called Kajabi which has an
app you can download for your phone. Inside our club you get daily access to me and our team to ask questions and review materials, weekly LIVE Q&A (i.e. I am the coach in your backpocket), and the entire vault of training, which is like the MBA of business you never knew you needed accessible anytime you need it. And because we preach productivity and strategy together, most of our members save up to 20+ hours of time in their first quarter. How's that for a time saving app?
Our club membership is currently open. You can join and download the app
I hope a peek into how we use technology was helpful. I'd love to know what apps you use and how you use them. Jump into the DMs and let me know. Maybe there are some new ones I should add in my daily rotation!
Looking for more on this topic and your High-Level Action items? Check out the Strategy Lab in the Crush the Rush Club!