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A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.



A blog dedicated to helping female business owners design their dream job without spending hours online.

3 Steps to be More Successful with your Business

blog business tips entrepreneur business coach female business coach online business coach side hustle business coach Jun 01, 2020

It is Sunday AM here and I am sitting at my kitchen table thinking about my goals for the week. I always do it before the kids get up on Sunday because it really does crush the anxiety of the upcoming week. But honestly I wouldn't be able to get up early everyday if I didn't have something I was passionate about working towards.

...Are you are dreaming of the day when you can actually take your hobby or passion and turn it into a profitable online business? Or maybe just do something different than where you are at now? I have been thinking about this a lot lately because as a corporate strategist I have all kinds of tools and systems I go through to help large Fortune-500 companies crush their goals. But when I started my online wellness business...well I just jumped in headfirst.

These are 3 things I wish I would have done at the beginning....And the nice thing is. You can apply it to just about anything!

1) TAKE TIME TO SET YOUR VISION. It doesn't have to be an all out business plan and it is not your pretty vision board. It is a detailed outline of things like... What are your personal goals? How do you know if you will be successful? Who are you trying to reach? And if they work with you, what will they get?

2) SET ASIDE TIME TO WORK ON YOUR GOALS. You all know I am obsessed with time blocking. But when are you going to work on this project? It should be scheduled just like a workout or an appointment. And you should know each time you have a time block what you are doing to move the needle forward. So many people I work with just try to "fit it in" including myself at the beginning and then you are stuck on your phone or in a constant panic all day. Be intentional. And truth be told, life takes over and this gets put in the backseat. Again.

3) FIND SUPPORT. And this does not have to be hiring an assistant or spending $$. This can be pairing up with a friend who is doing something similar. Joining a coaching group. Or asking someone to mentor you that has done it before. You have to have someone to bounce ideas off of. Working in a vacuum is not going to get you very far. I always say it isn't hard (we all can find a few hours a day if we really prioritize), but it isn't easy! Which is why you need goals, a system, and the support!

You can grab my weekly strategy approach here in the Side Hustle Start Kit!

I am happy to chat more about what I did and how I did it! Shoot me a message and let's chat about your goals! I attached one of my favorite exercises below to help you start day dreaming!



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Are you bursting with ideas and wondering how the heck you are going to find time to make it happen?

Imagine your time management fairy god-mother coming in to wave her magic wand and show you a better way! And actually, see results. we combine productivity best practices, business strategy, and community support to help you get to the next level without burnout.


Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.

Holly Marie Haynes is a business strategy coach, podcaster, mom of twins, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She helps women create simple scaleable offers and systems to grow to multiple 6-figures.