$97.00 USD

The Collective Mastermind Experience Week is designed to be a transformative experience. We encourage you to come fully committed to getting the most out of the content, coaching, and community. While refunds aren't available, we're confident you'll walk away with valuable insights and strategies to grow your business.

All information we collect will remain private. 


The Collective Mastermind Experience Week

What You Get:

  •   Over 5 days gain exclusive access to The Collective Mastermind community, where ambitious entrepreneurs like yourself come together to learn, grow, and thrive.
  • Instant access to our Slack Community (the secret sauce) for hands-on coaching behind the scenes the full week. 
  •   Interact directly with me and our expert team throughout the experience, receiving personalized guidance, support, and invaluable insights tailored to your goals.
  •  Dive deep into topics crucial for business success, including designing your dream income strategy, hot seat coaching sessions, behind-the-scenes Slack coaching with our team, and networking opportunities.


There are bonuses and prizes for attending!

Enjoy special bonuses such as

$500 off the mastermind at the end of each day and the chance to win exciting prizes, including a coveted strategy session with me and more!

Access premium resources and tools designed to accelerate your business growth, including sales page templates, networking events, and our launch blueprint playbook just for attending!

What People Are Saying:

Many masterminds talk about “working with” the mentor…but then you find it’s one group call every week or two, and their EA answers all the group chat messages (meaning, you don’t get much personalized access to the mentor). I was BLOWN AWAY at how much personal access I had to Holly, which helped me map out strategy and tactics directly related to my business. I don’t know how you put that into experience week, but to me it’s THE biggest perk of the mastermind. Prospectives need to know that it’s not just something she says on the sales page, but that Holly is in the weeds with them everyday!!

